Rabbit, Rabbit! Podcast
Rabbit, Rabbit! Podcast
"Rabbit, Rabbit!" - Podcast Ep 01 - Why Be Normal?
"Rabbit, Rabbit!" - a superstition found in Britain and North America wherein a person says or repeats the words "rabbit", "rabbits" and/or "white rabbits" aloud upon waking on the first day of a month, to ensure good luck for the rest of it.
Delivered on the first day of the month, this podcast series dives into various Database Performance topics. Enjoy!
RR Episode 01 - Why Be Normal?
In this episode, Quest Senior Consultants, Dave Orlandi and Amit Parikh discuss the importance of Baselining.
Into the Rabbit Hole (related resources) -
Why be NORMAL? - https://www.quest.com/community/quest/performance-monitoring/b/performance-monitoring-blog/posts/why-be-normal
The Importance of Performance Benchmarking - https://www.quest.com/community/blogs/b/performance-monitoring/posts/the-importance-of-performance-benchmarking
One Third of Cloud Spending Wasted, but Still Accelerates - https://www.forbes.com/sites/joemckendrick/2020/04/29/one-third-of-cloud-spending-wasted-but-still-accelerates/?sh=6cbf0951489e